Thursday, May 08, 2008


We are drowning in vintage knitting needle bangles here thanks to the constant requests from a certain young lady to make more.

We have so many. Even if we were a house of centipedes we would still have some sitting on the bench unworn.

So it's time to share the bounty.

Miss Zgal has decided that we must have a competition to give some away and she is going to start selling them too.

Her idea was a limbo competition, but after explaining the issue of getting everyone to the same location at the same time would be a nightmare and would cut into her pocket money account, she decided on a different theme.

She wants you to think of a name for her new store. Yes the enterprising dear is going to sell her bangles at a craft market but she realises she needs a name. As I've already appropriated Zephyrama for the clothing business we run, she needs one for her own 'stuff'.

So you friends and lurkers you have a month to leave a comment with your ideas for Miss Zgal's new business venture. She will sit down and read all the names and pick three finalists and a winner. I'll then contact you for a postal addie and she will handpick a bangle and send it your way.


TinkingBell said...

Well, Bay of Bangle dropped into my head - or Bangleopedia!

Perhaps Pont Y Bracelet -or Bangorama!

What a great idea - I definitely want one - or two!

Deleted said...

In line with the birthday post: Blue Tongue Bangles... Hope you make some good $$$$.

Kit said...

@ TinkingBell

I think 'Bangorama' sounds like something entirely unrelated to Bangles....:S